Lake Washburn Association

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Lake Washburn Association

Lake Washburn Association


Washburn Lake is located about three miles northwest of the town of Outing in northern Cass County. It covers 1,590 acres, which places it in the upper 10% of lakes in Minnesota in terms of size.  Washburn Lake has three distinct basins: a western basin with a maximum depth of 111 feet, a northern basin with a maximum depth of 90 feet, and an eastern basin with a maximum depth of 25 feet.  Washburn Lake is located near the top of the Pine River Major Watershed. Daggett Brook flows south from Island and George Lakes into the west basin of Washburn Lake and then outlets Washburn Lake at the south end. Flow continues south through Daggett Brook, a series of lakes, and the Pine River that enters the Mississippi River at the south end of the watershed.  Water quality data have been collected on Washburn Lake from 1986-2008. These data show that the lake is mesotrophic (page 9). Mesotrophic Lakes have clear water most of the summer with occasional algae blooms. The mission of Lake Washburn Association is to ensure that the beautiful lake and its environment will survive to be enjoyed by those generations that follow us. The Association has been involved in numerous activities including water quality monitoring, education, Healthy Lakes Initiative, promotion of safety, and is a member of the Association of Cass County Lakes (ACCL).

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Member since 6 years ago
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