The Over The Hills Gang ATV Club

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The Over The Hills Gang ATV Club


The Over the Hills Gang Club was created to protect our right to ride on the great trails available to us on public land. We are a dedicated group of around 350 people, of varied ages and from all different areas in Minnesota. We believe ATV riding is an outdoor, family oriented fun activity. Our club is dedicated to safe, informed, responsible, ATV riding and love to share the experience and do everything possible to make a great ATV riding experience available to more people with great trails, information, education and people.

We meet on the first Saturday of February – October, to discuss trail issues, plan future rides, activities, current events and/or issues effecting ATV riders. We plan, create, and maintain about 72 miles of trails in the Outing area including 26 miles of the Moose River ATV Trail, 30 miles of the Emily Outing ATV Trail, and 16 miles of the Emily Blind Lake ATV Trail. We offer adult and youth ATV Training Classes and other educational activities regarding our sport. Our annual fundraiser, ride & roast called the Pork N Ride is on the first Saturday in June.  Come Ride with us at our many ride events across the state.

Visit us at or on Facebook,  and pick up a current Trail Map at one of four trail kiosks, or local businesses in Emily and Outing.

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Member since 6 years ago
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