Photos Of Outing When It Was Known As The "Narrows"
Not everyone knows that Gussies Place in Outing had a SEAPLANE AIRPORT. This photo was provided by Chuck & Jeannette Fairbanks. Gussie had a plane that Gene O'Brien used to fly for him.Jeannette Fairbanks (mother of Lenny Fairbanks, Vice-President of the Outing Chamber of Commerce) wrote that her husband, Chuck Fairbanks and the kids in his day would go to Gussies Place in Outing and they would watch movies that Gussie would play for them. Gussies Place was right where the Bridge Cafe, Seasons & Pestello's is located (now called "The Narrows"), appropriately names she thought. There used to be some fun dances and the place would be packed back in the 50s, her Dad (Jerry Berry, Sr.) also played drums, he and a few other people had a band together and would play for the dances.
This photo was located where the Outing Public Dock now is. It was moved in the '50s across the road to where Vern Underdahl's Cafe was (immediately to the south of Roosevelt Station). It was moved by Jerry Berry, Sr. (who was also the first President of the Chamber of Commerce) to make room for the a 'new' bridge, which wasn't built until 1995. Part of the building still exists as Vern's garage.)